Up Cane Creek brings its eclectic mix of bluegrass, folk, americana, and original music to events around the Triangle and beyond.
Picture several friends who happen to be musicians, singers and songwriters. Add an impromptu living room jam that sparked a weekly commitment to play music because it was fun. Throw in an invitation to perform in front of an audience. “Well, guess we’re a band.” Fourteen years after making it official, Up Cane Creek has performed at festivals, civic events, fundraisers, parties, and more in North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. Their enjoyment playing together is infectious, setting toes to tapp’in and voices a-humm’in.

// fiddle, vocals
Folk music, especially bluegrass and old-time, has been the soundtrack of my adult life. Learning a little banjo and guitar in college led me to a life-long love of all sounds acoustic and stringy. Since settling in Chapel Hill in the 1970s, I’ve enjoyed playing guitar, banjo, fiddle, and mandolin with local groups. After a rewarding career at UNC, I’m now gainfully self-unemployed, enjoying fiddling, and especially grateful to Up Cane Creek for taking me in during the pandemic when I was bandless.

// guitar, mandolin ,bass ,vocals
I love playing music in a variety of styles and instruments and have been doing so since I was 11. Every style has something special that I love, including the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms of Bluegrass and Americana music

// lead vocals
Although I never thought about being lead vocal in a band, I’ve come to love using the emotions I feel when singing to communicate the songs’ stories. It’s a gift to be with my bandmates in an experience that brings people together.

//banjo, bass, vocals
I was first attracted to the banjo as a puzzle - how in the world do banjo players fit in all those notes??? Once I tried it I was hooked (and obsessed.) Playing banjo is my relaxation - when I'm playing there is no room left in my brain to worry about anything else. And I love playing and writing music with my awesome bandmates. Whether bluegrass, originals, popular tunes, or genres, it's all fun

// bass, guitar, lead vocals
I began playing guitar as a teenager back in the 60's and then 70's when there seemed to be an explosion in really great music, especially from the Rock, Folk, and Country genres. I eventually fell in love with the Bluegrass sound and sang, played guitar, and upright bass with groups of friends and formed several bluegrass bands. I still like many different types of music, but I'm always watching for songs that have a good melody and that tell a good story. I'm a retired engineer, but I still work part-time at an auto parts store just because I like it and I can.

// songwriter
A precursor to Up Cane Creek was a blues song-writing collaboration between Jay Miller and I. Then out of an impromptu guitar and banjo jam during a double date emerged the Morrow MilÅ‚ers, as I puningly called us, since we practiced at the old Morrow Mill on Cane Creek. Conscripted as a bass player, because “anybody can play the bass,” for five years I thumped along until Dr. Parkinson took my hands away. Now I write lyrics/songs and am the deaf assistant to the assistant sound man.